Community gardening

Sir, – We refer to the article "Community garden surfing on a wave of enthusiasm in Lahinch"(March 28th). We would like to point out that Moy Hill Community Garden operates at two different sites. The piece merged the two operations into one, painting an idyllic picture of rural community gardening.

This is not the reality for us. The group, which came here about two years ago, from various parts of the country and beyond, created a “community garden” in late 2013 at a site in Moybeg, Lahinch, directly across from our homes.

At no point did they ever consult with the local community – the homeowners – about what they were doing. Throughout 2014 they developed a number of structures on the site which all required planning permission, yet they never applied for permission. In defiance of a visit, and a subsequent warning letter from the local planning authorities, work continued on the structures. A compost toilet was installed about 30m from one resident’s front door. We have no idea of the impact this will on the local environment. The group holds open-air concerts and other social events attracting huge crowds, with no regard for us. Large numbers of people have parked across house entrances and in one instance, in someone’s driveway. The public roadway is very narrow, dangerous and unsuited to the volume of traffic coming to the site, which has a blind entrance. They have created a hazardous traffic situation by their activities. Thousands of people have visited the garden. They have turned what was a quiet, rural, residential spot into a social hub. They’re not surfing on a wave of enthusiasm among us. – Yours, etc,





Glenville Residents’



Co Clare.