Church and Child Abuse

Sir, - The recent case of child rape in an institution is so atrocious as to surpass all boundaries of depravity

Sir, - The recent case of child rape in an institution is so atrocious as to surpass all boundaries of depravity. There is a "drip-drip" of shameful cases and it is only beginning. Excellent young people are not going to Mass largely because of these scandals and the ignorance and hypocrisy of the manner in which my Church handles them. Much more was made of the Casey affair than of the massive and widespread violation of children by those in loco parentis. This in itself is scandalous. The millstone comes to mind.

What is needed is leadership in the Church. Holiness, prayer, integrity and considerable character and ability would be the necessary qualities of a bishop. I personally know a number of priests who live lives of sanctity, are learned, wise, have inborn leadership qualities and can preach excellent homilies - but they are not even considered for the bishoprics because the Church here is running scared of the message it has been instructed by Christ to teach. The sheep are lost and the shepherds do not know how to do their job. Many people are of the opinion that the vast majority of Irish bishops are not bishop material. What do they do? How do we now exorcise ourselves of the shocking violation of childhood? - Yours, etc., Alice Johnson,

Merrion Village, Dublin 4.