Children’s hospital – the sky’s the limit?

Sir, – My reaction to the headline news on the rapidly escalating cost overruns for the National Children’s Hospital, which may now exceed €2 billion, is one of frustration, alarm and anger.

Frustration because we, led by Jonathan Irwin, challenged the budget at the Bord Pleanála oral hearing back in November 2015.

Alarm at what community and in-home healthcare funding will be lost, wiped out, kicked down the road as a result of this.

And anger because the country will be left with the most expensive hospital in the world that is still not co-located with a maternity unit.


Our mission is to help parents to keep their sick child warm and cosy and well cared for at home, but the location of the hospital is a big issue for them, as they are frequent visitors to hospital.

On their behalf, we’d already suggested the location of the national children’s hospital be switched to James Connolly Memorial Hospital , where it could stand along with the Rotunda Hospital, but that fell on deaf ears, as the “just build it” brigade marched on. – Yours, etc,


Chief Executive,

The Jack & Jill




Co Kildare.

Sir, – It is obvious that the cost of a children’s hospital should be less than half the cost of an adult hospital on a simple comparison of respective heights and weights of the prospective patients.

Clearly, room sizes and ceiling heights, if designed on an equivalent basis, would reduce the costs proportionally.

Lower ceiling heights and smaller rooms would generate tremendous cost savings, and by equipping nurses and doctors with motorised chairs, a fun work environment would be created.

Also, if the hospital were built in a seven-storey basement, it should be possible to use the overground space for some lucrative use, such as residential rental accommodation, rendering the whole project cost-neutral. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 16.

Sir, – You can sense the softening-up of public attitude in much public comment on the rising cost of the new children’s hospital. From over €600 million to €1.7 billion, with no guarantee of holding costs under €2 billion. I have absolutely no doubt that it will cost well over €3 billion.

Read this and weep, unless you are in with the in-crowd. – Yours, etc,




Sir, – How on earth can the cost of the children’s hospital rise from €983 million to €2 billion in four months? – Yours, etc,



Dublin 18.