Catholics and register offices

Madam, - The Irish Catholic Church's director of vocations, Father Kevin Doran, has said that participation in register office…

Madam, - The Irish Catholic Church's director of vocations, Father Kevin Doran, has said that participation in register office marriages was "in conflict with the truth" for Catholics, since the Catholic Church does not accept the validity of such marriages (The Irish Times, December 11th).

He suggests that Catholics may be compromising their consciences in order not to cause hurt or embarrassment.

Father Doran might consider that marriage existed long before the Church. When two people marry the Church may witness that marriage and give the couple its blessing, but it does not make the marriage. The couple do.

If two people marry in spirit and formalise their union in a register office, it is appropriate for family and friends, of whatever religion, to attend or participate. They may have different ideas of what they want for their own relationships, but they are not there to impose these on others. - Yours etc.,


DECLAN KELLY, Lower Exchange Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 8.

Madam, - Since when did the Catholic Church set itself up as the marriage police? Are we in future going to get direction as to which ceremonies we practising Catholics can and cannot attend? Will we be allowed to attend Jewish or Muslim ceremonies if invited?

I found Father Kevin Doran's remarks offensive and hypocritical. How many wedding ceremonies have taken place inside Catholic churches even though the participants have not attended Mass in many years and have no intention of resuming their attendance?

Marriages in register offices are legally binding and recognised by this State. The days of the Catholic Church running this State are over. Father Doran would be better off trying to get more of the Catholic flock back into the churches instead of alienating them even further. This is a particularly unchristian message to be sending out at this most Christian time of the year. - Yours, etc.,

JEAN SAUNDERS, Farnham Hill, Dublin 16.