Car Park Rates

Sir, - Can anyone explain the following anomaly to me?

Sir, - Can anyone explain the following anomaly to me?

My local snooker club (an establishment not noteworthy for the level of technical sophistication of its computer systems) is able to charge me an hourly rate for the use of its facilities, using a pro rata basis for calculating the cost: I play for 70 minutes, I pay for 70 minutes.

However, when using any of the multi-storey car parks which enhance and adorn our beautiful city, I find that I must pay in increments representing one hour's use: if I park for 70 minutes, I pay for 120 minutes, and this despite the apparent high level of computerisation in use in the premises.

My calculations are that with enough obliging customers, a single space could generate just over 24 hours of parking revenue in a 16 hour period.


There must be a reason for this practice of charging in hourly increments. A colleague suggests greed, but I am sure that this could not be the case. - Yours, etc., Niall Morrissey,


Dublin 12.