Car Free Day, Irish Style

Sir, - One of your reports on last Saturday's Car Free Day informed us that public transport providers were "doing their bit" …

Sir, - One of your reports on last Saturday's Car Free Day informed us that public transport providers were "doing their bit" for the occasion and cited Dublin Bus's contribution of a 60p flat fare for adults for the day. The reduced fare was of no use to those of us who live on the 13B route from Palmerston Park, Rathmines to the city centre, since this bus no longer runs at weekends! And - surprise, surprise - Dublin Bus did not run any buses on the 13B route for the occasion!

Last year Dublin Bus reduced the 13B to a Monday-Friday rush-hour service only. Some Monday-Friday daytime buses were restored in the summer after a campaign by the local community, but we still have no weekend service at all.

This family of five always tries to travel in the most environmentally friendly way - but what are we expected to do when there is no bus? - Yours, etc.,

Enid O'Dowd, Moyne Road, Ranelagh, Dublin 6.