Sir, I wish to clarify some points in relation to your report (January 27th) on the London Bloody Sunday march, which failed to show many of the positive aspects of the march. The number of marchers is quoted at 500, while our row by row count showed over 1,500.
The figure of 500 quoted in the British press would appear to have come from police sources, who always underestimate the number on political marches for their own reasons. The organising committee was not "disappointed" but highly delighted with the turnout, particularly from the Irish community in London and from around Britain.
Despite some 22,000 "stop, search and examine" arrests during the ceasefire, and the police filming of the entire march, the Irish community resisted political intimidation to show solidarity with what happened to the people of Derry on Bloody Sunday. Again, the "small hall" mentioned in the report is a full sized, standard, indoor basketball court. Lastly, Eamon O Cuiv TD did not fail to turn up, and had never been advertised as a speaker to the public or press. He had informed us over two weeks ago that unfortunately he would have to withdraw, because of his commitments.
There were many positive aspects to the march and rally, apart from the brilliant weather. Only after the release of the Birmingham Six had we ever a bigger crowd. Support for the march came for the first time ever from a range of political parties, with speakers or messages of support from elected representatives of the British and Irish Labour Parties Fianna Fail, Sinn Fein and the SDLP. The interest from local national and international press, with a packed press conference, was immense.
We were successful in raising the issue of Bloody Sunday, and in raising the demand for a new inquiry based on the fresh evidence which has emerged in recent weeks. This weekend, we are sending a small delegation to march with the Bloody Sunday march in Derry. More than ever, there is need for the British and Irish public to be told the full truth about Bloody Sunday, and we would urge the Irish Government and the Opposition parties actively to support this call for truth and justice. - Is mise,
Press officer organising committee,
London Bloody Sunday March,
C/o BM Tom,
London WCIN 3XX.