Abortion and Northern Ireland

Sir, – A 12-year-old girl had to travel to England from Northern Ireland last week for an abortion under police escort (News, January 25th). This inhumane treatment of a child who has suffered a sexual assault is unacceptable. What is the reaction of British politicians?

As Stella Creasy MP advocates for decriminalising abortion across the UK in the Domestic Abuse Bill, the British government has prioritised the DUP’s opposition to abortion over the human rights of women in Northern Ireland.

Is the British government aware that there is more than one political party in Northern Ireland? Is the British government aware that in 2018 the UN stated that “the situation in Northern Ireland constitutes violence against women that may amount to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment”?

Is the British government aware that as Stormont collapsed over two years ago, it has a responsibility to act?


However, we all know that the British government will not act in the interests of Northern Ireland as it continues to be held ransom by the DUP.

With 80 per cent support in an opinion poll for reform in Northern Ireland, the DUP’s stance does not represent the majority view on abortion reform in Northern Ireland.

And in the meantime, how many more rape victims will have to travel to England for an abortion? – Yours, etc,

