Corrections & Clarifications

An article in last Monday’s edition stated that Tesco representatives appeared to tell the Oireachtas Committee on Enterprise…

An article in last Monday’s edition stated that Tesco representatives appeared to tell the Oireachtas Committee on Enterprise and Employment last February that the company’s profits in the Republic were in line with margins in the rest of the company. In fact, what they told the committee was that Tesco’s return on investment is lower in Ireland than in Northern Ireland or the United Kingdom.

Also in last Monday’s edition, a photograph illustrating an article on the suicide of the ex-president of South Korea, Roh Moo-Hyun, carried a caption stating that the persons in the photograph were mourners leaving his funeral. They were in fact leaving a memorial site in his village. The funeral takes place in Seoul tomorrow.

An opinion piece by Fintan O’Toole in last Tuesday’s edition stated that the new national children’s hospital will be part of the Mater Misericordiae complex and under the control of the Sisters of Mercy. In fact, it will be a separate entity and not governed by any religious order.

A graph attached to a local election profile of Cavan, in last Tuesday’s edition, stated that there are 28 outgoing councillors. There are 25.


Where errors occur, it is the policy of The Irish Timesto correct or clarify as soon as practicable.

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