See it take shape before our eyes, the New World Order, in which warriors of the West bring peace and order over dusky foreigners. This used to be called imperialism, and was considered a bad thing; but now it is called an ethical foreign policy, and anyone who opposes sending troops to the Congo and says, "Let the Congo look after itself" is, paradoxically, accused of being racist.
The underlying presumption of the NWO is that one may interfere in other people's countries, but only for honourable motives (which is how Henry II described his mission to Ireland). Thus the NWO's armies will roam around the world, lying offshore while aerial bombardment eliminates the possibility of opposition when the troops finally land. This bombardment is from such a height that the aircrew are completely unharmed, as in Kosovo; though admittedly, some weapons discharged from 10,000 feet inevitably miss their target and kill the very people the military are there to protect. In military parlance, this is known as Ooops.
Two-mile-high club
The doctrine of the two-mile-high club probably results from President Clinton's embarrassment at not having served in Vietnam. Uneasy at causing Americans to die under his command, Clinton invented a form of warfare in which none of those Americans who practise it die. In other words, a draft-dodger's war.
Since this NWO is predicated on armies which do not fight or get killed, but merely garrison territory after the bombers have gone, we can redefine what an NWO army is. Its subalterns are social workers, its NCOs conflict resolution experts, its battalion commanders are ecology Ph.D.s, and its guns all historically symbolic. Naturally, women can and do reach the highest rank in these neo-imperialist pacifist armies which bring litter bins, traffic wardens and marriage guidance counsellors into every African village.
Alas, not everyone in the world thinks that the primary role of armies is to help rape victims through their crisis, to mend the plumbing and ensure the latrines are working. In some countries, armies still consider their duty is to impose the will of their political masters by use of force; and when these places are covered in forest, as some of the most truculently atrocious states are, then sending in air power to biff the locals about is not merely useless, but actually counter-productive (as the then Clintonless Americans discovered in Vietnam).
But as the NWO takes shape, the feminist agenda is simultaneously sweeping through European and north American armies. Its lethal premise is that organisations in modern society exist in order to give equality of job opportunity rather than to serve a particular function. So, naturally, the primary obligation of an army nowadays is not to put a force in the field, where it can kill the enemy with maximum efficiency, but to reflect the values of the society from which is drawn.
Female qualities
All balderdash, of course, as any encounter with African, Asian or east European armies will soon testify. Soldering must always come down to the soldierly qualities of endurance, strength, morale, the willingness to die for a cause and comrades, and a comparable willingness to accept the latters' violent death in the line of duty. Ah yes, female qualities, through and through, all the left-brain tuition which will enable women to huddle in foxholes for weeks on end, living in freezing squalor amid their own excrement, and maybe going on night forays to open a few other chaps' jugular by bayonet?
That kind of fighting is over, is it? It was precisely how the Falklands War concluded; it is how African wars are routinely fought. It was what happened in Bosnia, night after night. My abiding memory of that place is of the screaming of men dying in "silent" nocturnal trench raids, with blades the only weapons. The idiot-piety of the NWO will one day inevitably propel its New Model Armies of rape counsellors and waste recycling experts into such a field of murder.
What happens when women soldiers are taken prisoner after a firefight in which many of the enemy are killed? (Rape.) What happens when the body-bags containing a few dismantled female body parts come back home? (Outcry.) What happens when armies which are reflections of the society from which they are recruited meet the enemy in the field? (Disaster.)
To experiment with armies in this way while Europe was entering a period of non-interventionist peace would be insane enough. But it is sheer howling madness to ransack the military from the top to bottom so that women be accepted as fighting infantry and point-of-entry soldiers, before embarking upon a righteous land war in Africa or Asia - which is what the NWO ideologues, under the spiritual guidance of Pope Kofi, will sooner or later lead us to.
Feminist agenda
The recognition of our duties as a member of the European Union and our obligations towards under the PfP doesn't mean we should meekly surrender to the Blair-Clinton rewriting of Kipling: Take Up The Right-On Person's Burden, Send Forth the Most Equal Ye Breed. In an idle moment of stupidity in the Dail, the feminist agenda was foisted on the Army. That is bad enough. Now, as we gradually abandon the ludicrous moral high ground of traditional neutrality, spare us, please, the even more ludicrously lofty estate of the Anglo-American New World Order, with one outcome: adventurism across the globe by a Politically Correct Imperial Infantry, its field service manuals rich with advice about sexual harassment, saving whales and preserving the ozone layer, with one certain destination: terrible tears.