Yugoslavs to move into buffer zone

Bujanovac - NATO-led peacekeepers signed an agreement with Serbia yesterday to allow the Yugoslav army back into a buffer zone…

Bujanovac - NATO-led peacekeepers signed an agreement with Serbia yesterday to allow the Yugoslav army back into a buffer zone next to Kosovo held by ethnic Albanian guerillas - a move some rebel groups have said they will resist.

The army is due to move on Thursday into the so-called Sector B, the last part of a buffer zone set up after NATO troops entered Kosovo province two years ago to drive out Yugoslav forces.

"Agreement on the return of Yugoslav forces to sector B was finalised this morning," a spokesman for Kfor peacekeepers said.

The zone was created at the end of NATO's air war against Yugoslavia to separate Serb troops from NATO peacekeepers and reassure Kosovo Albanians returning to villages they had fled during Serbian repression.