What the leaders said:

What the leaders had to say.

What the leaders had to say.

Tony Blairon Europe's penchant for talking about institutions: "The truth is we've been arguing now for many years about the constitutional question This deal gives us a chance to move on."

Nicolas Sarkozyon removing "free competition" as a key objective of the EU from the new treaty: "It is affirmed for the first time that the union must contribute to the protection of its citizens The word 'protection' is no longer taboo."

Lech Kaczynskion the deal: "I am very happy we did not have to swallow any bitter pills. The position of Poland is definitely stronger under this system."


Angela Merkelon the likely outcome of a referendum in Ireland: "I assume if there is a referendum in Ireland, we will be successful."

Romano Prodion the summit. "As a European, allow me to be embittered for the spectacle I find myself in front of.

"In many years, I have never seen with such painful clarity the existence of two Europes: one, of the majority that believes and wants to move ahead; the other, that pursues a reduction of the role of the EU as a national political objective."