Woods to expand marine services

The Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources has reiterated his commitment to setting up a coastguard, following talks in…

The Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources has reiterated his commitment to setting up a coastguard, following talks in Dublin yesterday with the head of the US Coastguard, Admiral James Loy.

Admiral Loy also met the Flag Officer of the Naval Service, Commodore James Kavanagh, and the head of the Defence For ces, Lieut-Gen David Stapleton.

However, Dr Woods was particularly keen to discuss his plans for an expanded Irish Marine Emergency Service (IMES).

IMES is the State agency responsible for co-ordinating marine search and rescue, pollution response at sea, maritime communications, salvage and maritime safety awareness.


Just over a year ago, the Minister said he intended to transform it into a shore-based coastguard, and intended to introduce legislation by the end of last year.

The legislation is still pending, but IMES has extended its remit to inshore waterways and has signed liaison agreements with various bodies, including Civil Defence.

"IMES shares many functions with the US Coastguard and I am delighted to welcome Admiral Loy to Ireland," the Minister said in a statement after a meeting in Leinster House.

"As Minister responsible for these functions, I am keen to keep abreast of international experience in my ongoing endeavour to ensure that Irish marine rescue, pollution response and communications - now world class - are maintained and enhanced." Admiral Loy met senior IMES personnel at the headquarters in Leeson Lane, Dublin, and viewed the set-up at the Marine Rescue Co-ordination Centre. "I am sure that both organisations will benefit from sharing experiences," Dr Woods said.

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins is the former western and marine correspondent of The Irish Times