Water appeal adjournment may make waves

A DEBT recovery action by Fingal County Council could have major ramifications nationally for, local authorities chasing thousands…

A DEBT recovery action by Fingal County Council could have major ramifications nationally for, local authorities chasing thousands of water charge defaulters.

Judge Joseph Mathews said in the Circuit Civil Court yesterday, that on Monday the Supreme Court would consider matters which may be relevant to the presentation of evidence in such cases.

He adjourned the council's appeal against a District Court decision in which a £255 water rates claim against a Swords, Co Dublin, householder, Mr Stephen Foy, was dismissed.

Judge Mathews said there was a potential for possible injustice in proceeding so close to an imminent Supreme Court determination. His decision could influence the attitude of local authorities in whether or not to pursue householders who defaulted right up to the Government's recent abolition of the charges.


Mr Joe Higgins, chairman of the Federation of Dublin Anti-Water, Charges Campaigns, said in a statement afterwards that "if the councils persist in hounding householders for water charges it will be made a major political issue in the general election".