Turkey offers airbases for any Iraq strike

NATO member Turkey said today it would open its airbases to US warplanes mounting military operations against Iraq in the event…

NATO member Turkey said today it would open its airbases to US warplanes mounting military operations against Iraq in the event Washington launches an offensive.

Muslim Turkey could play a frontline role in any attack against Baghdad. The United States already uses Turkish airbases to patrol a "no-fly" zone over northern Iraq, in place since the end of the 1991 Gulf War.

"What we mean by co-operation is opening airbases and opening facilities to use," Turkish Foreign Minister Yasar Yakis told an Ankara press conference after meeting with British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw.

Asked if Turkish co-operation would include combat strikes, Mr Yakis said: "Yes...If you're talking about airbases, yes, those will be opened."


Mr Yakis also said Ankara still hoped the standoff with Iraq could be resolved peacefully.

US Defense Undersecretary Mr Paul Wolfowitz was also in Ankara today to lobby support for any potential action against Saddam.