In this, the sequel to Jurassic Park, you take control of the most feared species on Earth - man. And because homo sapiens doesn't ordinarily come with a particularly nasty bite he gets to use (among other things) tranquiliser darts, grenades, nerve gas and flame throwers.Otherwise, you can control the dinosaurs, which include the Velociraptor and T-Rex, you have to rely on what Mother Nature gave you. The Velociraptor is agile and swift while the T-Rex is slower, but he doesn't have to run from anything - he is the ultimate hunter.
The Lost World uses a tried and trusted method of gameplay in this platformer and doesn't set out to break any new ground. Where it does excel, however, is in its graphics and sound department. The dinosaurs have been accurately modelled from the movie, and the backgrounds are just as inspiring.
Graphics: 91% Sound: 90% Gameplay: 85%