Taxi facts

The facts and figures of the taxi industry

The facts and figures of the taxi industry

SPV licences at November 2000 -  13,637

Number of SPV licences issued since deregulation

2001 - 16,547


2002 - 18,252

2003 - 19,856

2004 - 20,744

2005 - 21,888

2006 - 21,707

2007 - 25,695

2008 - 27,311 (to November 30th)

Current total:2008 - 46,583


Prosecutions began in mid 2007


17 prosecutions for 24 offences

3 got the probation act

€9,400 in fines to the Exchequer

€6,000 costs awarded to regulator.


92 prosecutions for 105 offences

8 got the probation act

€69,275 in fines

€24,900 in costs.

Percentage breakdown of prosecutions taken in 2008

51 per cent no vehicle licence

33 per cent to driver licence

1 per cent operating without satisfactory knowledge of area

1 per cent per cent not behaving in a civil manner

3 per cent overcharging

1 per cent refusing to take a fare under 30km

5 per cent standing for hire outside of a taxi rank

1 per cent unauthorised information on roof signs

2 per cent failure to operate a meter

1 per cent failure to print a receipt

1 per cent hackney plying for hire