Stock restoration bid

ANGLING NOTES: A PILOT scheme to fund projects by angling clubs and commercial salmon fishermen to restore stocks in Irish rivers…

ANGLING NOTES:A PILOT scheme to fund projects by angling clubs and commercial salmon fishermen to restore stocks in Irish rivers and lakes got under way last Tuesday.

The funding of €120,000, derived solely from licence holder contributions under the Salmon Conservation Fund, is managed by Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI). Priority will be given to rivers presently below conservation limits.

Applicants should specify the benefits of their plan and show the ability to see it through. Projects may receive disproportionate amounts depending on nature and size of work, however it is essential that statutory regulations are met.

It is also worth noting that because the scheme is self- funding, projects may qualify for match funding under Leader initiatives, for example.


The following are guidelines under which funding will be considered. Fish passage movement; spawning enhancement; in-stream structures; river bank protection; fencing; riparian zone improvement and control of invasive species.

Dr Ciaran Byrne, IFI chief executive, said: “This pilot programme will enhance the wonderful angling and commercial fisheries we enjoy in Ireland adding benefit to local economies.” Application forms are available on or from any IFI office. Completed applications must be returned before tomorrow week.

* Pontoon Bridge Hotel was a hive of activity last week as anglers caught the tail-end of the Mayfly season on Lough Conn. Greeting us with a warm welcome, general manager Breeta Geary, said: “All our anglers are catching fish. So far it’s our best season for years.” I couldn’t wait to get started. After all I had looked forward all year to my two days on Conn. My boatman, Josie Moran, waited patiently at the hotel harbour. “With that wind we’ll try the Massbrook area today,” he said.

Josie is top notch. His knowledge of the lake is unbelievable. “I have lived and fished at Pontoon all my life, and my father and his father before him,” he said. The word was out. Wulffs, both royal and grey on floating line, were the order of the day.

Conditions were good with cloud cover and a brisk westerly. As we turned into Sandhouse Bay we met swallows ducking and diving, and mayfly emerging from the shuks and fish rising.

I turned two good trout, landed four undersized and missed as many. Josie had a similar experience but also landed a cracker of about 1kg (2.2lb) – a golden beauty, heavily spotted and in great condition.

We went back over the area time and time again and each time met fish until the wind changed direction and everything stopped. Our day concluded at Colman Shallows with plenty of offers and a further three fish.

Our second day turned out a different kettle of fish. A strong northerly wind made fishing difficult. However, we persevered for a time at Wilson’s Rock, Victoria Bay, Brackwansha Bay, Glass Island and finally Bog Bay before the cold got the better of us. I caught about five, one to 0.5kg (1.1lb).

Pontoon Bridge is family run and handy for anglers fishing on Conn and Cullin, and the Moy. The hotel is geared for fishing and is recommended. Visit or tel. 094-9256120.

* Despite the worst May for years, a number of specimen sea trout and smaller fish have been caught on Lough Currane, according to Rod Robinson in his monthly report from Waterville, Co Kerry.

“We are experiencing a fantastic run of spring salmon with 70 caught to date including some early grilse,” he says. “Both salmon and sea trout are now moving up the system witnessed by a 4.5kg (10lb) salmon caught on Lough Namona.”

Other news relates to a good survival rate in the hatchery, with more than 30,000 fed fry now in the tanks. These will be released in August and fin clipped to monitor returns.

The Celtic Sea Trout Project is also going well but more scale samples are needed for analysis. The project continues to include Waterville in its research. “Good news for us,” Rod adds.