Smuggling operation uncovered

A major beer-smuggling operation uncovered by Custom and Revenue officers yesterday, was estimated to have cost the State £7 …

A major beer-smuggling operation uncovered by Custom and Revenue officers yesterday, was estimated to have cost the State £7 million a year in lost excise duty and VAT.

In a joint operation, Customs and Revenue officers seized almost £26,000 worth of beer in Tipperary. It was being smuggled from Northern Ireland by a group based in Tipperary. Revenue officers believe the group also supplied other counties. "During the operation we uncovered documents which suggest the group was supplying a large area from Dublin to Galway," a spokesman said. The documents were seized during searches of a number of private and commercial premises, including pubs.

The spokesman said pub-owners who were buying the drink knew what they were doing. "They were quite aware that they were dealing with a group that was supplying a smuggled product."

Customs and Revenue officers plan to extend the operation nationwide within the next two weeks. The operation will target suppliers, retail outlets and storage warehouses.