Session opens with venue protest

The first member to speak at yesterday's session was the Sinn Fein Assembly member for West Belfast, Mr Alex Maskey

The first member to speak at yesterday's session was the Sinn Fein Assembly member for West Belfast, Mr Alex Maskey. He said his party had "concerns" about the location of the Assembly at Stormont Castle - as it "represents" the old Stormont regime.

Mr Maskey also raised the issue of the Irish language by saying translation facilities were important "to enable the members who wish to use the language and those who wish to hear it", do so.

Ms Brid Rodgers of the SDLP backed calls for a translation service. Lord Alderdice urged members intending to speak in Irish or Ulster-Scot to translate into English.

The Rev Ian Paisley, leader of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), called for members' speaking time of 10 minutes to include the time necessary for translation. Ms Bairbre De Brun of Sinn Fein asked that additional time be given.


Mr Cedric Wilson of the UK Unionist Party said the discussion was a "waste of time and a huge waste of taxpayers' money".

The Sinn Fein president, Mr Gerry Adams, urged that the Tricolour be given parity with the union flag. "While I appreciate, and our party appreciates, that there are citizens here who do value the union flag, we don't," he said.

Dr Paisley ein leader, saying said it would be "ridiculous" for the union flag not to be flown on the building. The Rev William McCrea of the DUP said: "There is one flag for this country and that is the union flag."

The deputy leader of the UUP, Mr John Taylor, said that those who supported the Belfast Agreement had accepted the legitimacy of Northern Ireland as part of the United Kingdom. "The flag of the United Kingdom is the union flag and there should be no debate or argument about that issue."