RUC men get bravery awards

Seven RUC officers are to receive the Queen's Commendation for Bravery

Seven RUC officers are to receive the Queen's Commendation for Bravery. Two men are being honoured for saving people from a bomb attack, while a third receives the award for his actions during a terrorist gun attack.

Sgt Gary Morton and Constable Wesley Telford were on duty in Markethill RUC station last September when they received a warning that a bomb had been left outside. The two policemen managed to evacuate the area, and Sgt Morton was cordoning it off when the bomb exploded, knocking him to the ground.

Constable Guy Ferguson was a member of a police and army unit on patrol in Belfast's Crumlin Road in July last year when it came under attack from a 50-strong crowd.

Under a hail of high-velocity bullets, petrol bombs and stones, Constable Ferguson got out of his armoured Land-Rover and returned fire with his handgun, forcing the gunmen to flee.


Four other RUC officers are to receive the award; Constables John and Andrew Anderson, Sgt Arthur Jardine and Constable Neil Kerr.