Atmosphere: Curiosity in the main about the Irish band who used to be known as Hoarsebox until they changed their name, the cut of their jib and their sound
High: I Won't Worry is the one which gets us bopping our heads to their sunny, bright, meldoic indie pop but we loved This Club which was a bit of a tropical anthem when set against the backdrop of Stradbally's Sunday morning rain showers.
Low: They do sound like they've borrowed Two Door Cinema Club's stylebook and might need to give it back now.
Quote: "That's the band who were Hoarsebox? But Hoarsebox were dreadful for years this band are amazing" (radio DJ)
Verdict: On the basis of this show, we're really keen to hear more tunes from their debut album which they recorded last year in Mississipi with producer Dennis Herring.
Star rating: ***