Review may change pay scale for teachers

The Department of Education has said teachers may have their pay scale significantly altered by the benchmarking pay review body…

The Department of Education has said teachers may have their pay scale significantly altered by the benchmarking pay review body.

In a new document, the Department says the body is likely to compare the time it takes teachers to reach the top of their pay scale to the situation in the private sector. It says this could have positive implications for teachers.

It takes teachers 22 years on average to reach the top of the scale. The INTO and TUI want this reduced. It appears this will not be opposed by the Department.

In its document - a response to a submission to the body by the TUI - the Department says the benchmarking group "is likely to take the position in the private sector into account" when examining pay scales.


The Department's submission does not deal with the three pay claims from teachers and says this is a matter for the benchmarking group.