Rape crisis centre launches campaign

THE DUBLIN Rape Crisis Centre has rolled out an advertising campaign to mark the International 16 days of Action Opposing Violence…

THE DUBLIN Rape Crisis Centre has rolled out an advertising campaign to mark the International 16 days of Action Opposing Violence Against Women.

Chief executive of the centre Ellen O’Malley-Dunlop said the ads are to appear on buses in Dublin to raise awareness of violence against women.

“The purpose of the ad is you may have been a victim of a rape or childhood sexual abuse and you don’t know what to do,” she said.

“Ring this number and you will receive the help that you need,” Ms O’Malley-Dunlop added.


The 16-day international campaign began on November 25th.

The centre, has launched a campaign which aims to highlight the 24-hour national helpline which can be reached 365 days a year from anywhere in the country at 1800-778888.

The ads have also appeared on billboards around the country.

In another campaign which coincides with the 16 days of action, Irish men are being asked to wear a white ribbon as a means of challenging the behaviour of men who are violent towards women and children.

Sharon O’Halloran, director of Safe Ireland, the national network of frontline domestic violence services, said the white ribbon campaign was in response to the growing level of violence against women and children in Irish society.