Public urged to report elder abuse

THOUSANDS OF cases of elder abuse go unreported each year in Ireland, an older people’s charity has claimed.

THOUSANDS OF cases of elder abuse go unreported each year in Ireland, an older people’s charity has claimed.

Speaking to mark World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, which was yesterday, Age Action Ireland said many older people suffered abuse in silence, despite the existence of a dedicated support network to help them resist ill-treatment.

According to a report published in 2002 by the Working Group on Elder Abuse, 3-5 per cent of older people in the Republic experience some form of mistreatment. The charity estimates that 14,400-24,000 Irish people may have suffered elder abuse.

Age Action chief executive Robin Webster said the burden of identifying these cases of elder abuse must be shared equally between the HSE and the network of friends, neighbours and organisations who work closely with older people.


The charity also said that in 2008, close to 80 per cent of alleged abusers in cases referred to the HSE were family members, yet just 15 per cent of cases of elder abuse were reported by family members.

Age Action Ireland urged any older person who is being abused, or members of the public who suspect abuse, to contact the HSE. Details on how to contact elder abuse officers are available from HSE regional offices or by telephoning 1850 24 1850.