Provost stresses value of social sciences

University presidents have backed a new report which underlines the key importance of humanities and social sciences at third…

University presidents have backed a new report which underlines the key importance of humanities and social sciences at third level.

The report comes amid fears that these sectors could be downgraded as colleges give priority to a more "pro-business" agenda .

A recent report by the Royal Irish Academy, Advancing Humanities and Social Sciences Research (HSS) in Ireland, underlined the importance of these areas.

Last night, the Provost of Trinity College Dublin, Dr John Hegarty, said: "The report paints a convincing picture of the value of HSS research in contributing to the advancement of public policy and the overall welfare of society."


He said that university presidents particularly welcomed the proposal for a "Knowledge Foresight Exercise". This could "provide a blueprint for the development of HSS, identifying areas of strength and ensuring best fit with overall national priorities".

Dr Hegarty said that the Irish universities would be enthusiastic participants in the Knowledge Foresight Exercise, adding: "We call on the relevant stakeholders to come together as a matter of priority to initiate it."

He said that universities were strongly of the view that excellence in humanities and social sciences research was essential to "informing the complex policy issues and choices which today's rapidly-changing Ireland presents".

He emphasised that the creative and problem-solving skills developed through education and research in the humanities and social sciences were a vital foundation for the emerging knowledge society.

Seán Flynn

Seán Flynn

The late Seán Flynn was education editor of The Irish Times