Seasonal, occasional performances by choirs and orchestras in the Howth Presbyterian Church continue to be well supported and much appreciated by the patrons. A recent concert was given by I Giovanni Solisti (The Young Soloists), a 21-member ensemble composed of gifted, string performers from Conard and Hall High Schools (West Hartford, Connecticut Public Schools), US.
The organisers of these occasional performances look forward to a grand concert in the Howth Presbyterian Church on Monday July 19th at 8 p.m. given by the Face Treble Choir. The choir, aged 12 to 18, makes periodic concert tours of Europe; the ensemble frequently sings with the Montreal Symphony Orchestra and the St Lawrence Choir.
Face Treble is the creation of Ivan Edwards, who also founded the Saint Lawrence Choir. Edwards is a Welshman who emigrated in 1965 to Canada where he developed as a much-sought-after conductor, adjudicator, teacher of voice and workshop coach.
The choir sings Welsh folk songs, "negro" spirituals, traditional English melodies and sacred and classical items.
The work of the Belfast City Mission is commended to congregations and people of the Presbyterian Church in particular. The mission was founded as the Belfast Town Mission in 1827 with the aim of "promoting the cause of Christ among the poor, the careless and the churchless".
Today there are 24 missioners who visit, door to door, in the streets of Belfast. They counsel in homes, prisons and hospitals and seek opportunities in meetings organised in 20 mission centres to witness to Christ and His cause.
The administrators will send on request a magazine and prayer letter, details of a summer outreach project and details of how to arrange for a speaker for a fellowship group, or a church service. Requests are made to the Belfast City Mission, Church House, Fisherwick Place, Belfast, BT1 6BR where contributions will be gratefully received.
At a recent meeting of the General Assembly the Rev Terry McMullan called to the attention of the assembly the current position in East Timor. Moderators of the Protestant churches there had written requesting the support of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland for a United Nations peacekeeping force.
Mr McMullan reminded the assembly that the people are seeking to determine their future and a referendum is to be held on August 8th. But every effort is being made by the Indonesian military to prevent any who favour independence exercising their democratic right to vote; and it appears that no political party is willing to grant independence to East Timor.
A resolution of the report called upon the General Assembly to encourage and support partner churches and all Christian people in Indonesia as they sought to respond to increasing ethnic, religious and community tensions and in some places persecution.
Harper Collins continues to provide resources for faith and worship. The latest is an edition of the United Bible Societies Good News Bible (Special Year 2000 edition). The text is divided into sections: headings are provided indicating the contents of each section clearly. Cultural or historical notes convey the meaning of the text in terms of the original setting. An outline chart of Bible history gives approximate dates of major events recorded in the Bible. Each book of the Old and New Testament is prefaced by a succinct but exceedingly helpful outline of the contents. The maps are most useful. The delightful line drawings by dear Annie Vallotton (we had her to tea a while back in the Howth Manse) are a joy to look at.