Organic offerings

Now here is a bright, new idea

Now here is a bright, new idea. Jason Higgs, of the Organics company in Cork, whose box delivery system has been one of the great food successes of the year, has put together a quartet of hampers for Christmas, all filled with organically produced foods and wines.

Prices start at £35 for the Elm Hamper, which includes Penfold's Shiraz/Cabernet wine, De Rit mustard and waffles, Green & Black chocolate and lots of other beauties, and range up to £150 for the Oak Hamper, which has organic bubbly and a range of other good bottles, cold pressed olive oil, Provencal olive oil and a splendid range of other foods and treats. The two other hampers, The Beech and the Ash, cost £70 and £100 respectively. Truly a pressie with a difference.