Opportunity in bigger EU - President

The forthcoming enlargement of the EU would present all members, new and existing, with huge opportunities for economic growth…

The forthcoming enlargement of the EU would present all members, new and existing, with huge opportunities for economic growth and with improved political stability on the Continent, the President, Mrs McAleese, said on the second day of her state visit to Finland.

She flies to Estonia today.

Mrs McAleese addressed her remarks on Europe to the Irish Business Club of Finland in Helsinki yesterday. Earlier, she had a 45-minute private meeting with the Prime Minister, Mr Paavo Lipponen.

Her spokeswoman said European issues were not discussed. The President and the Prime Minister talked about technology, the retention of native culture, education and Ireland's success in the small and medium-sized business sector. Mr Lipponen expressed concern at the concentration of big businesses in Finland compared to smaller enterprises.


Mrs McAleese told members of the business club that vital factors in Ireland's economic success had been education, openness to trade, foreign investment, an innovative approach to social partnership and, most importantly, membership of the EU.

Now, she said, "for many of the candidate countries, enlargement represents the fulfilment of their dreams of becoming equal and free members of the European family after so many years of hardship and oppression. We in Ireland and you in Finland know this feeling well.

"They have as much a right to membership of the EU as Finland and Ireland have. Their preparations and reforms in advance of membership are most impressive and show us their real potential.

"The candidate countries, as full EU members, will individually contribute their own special expertise and strengths to the Union. And, as we have seen with all past enlargements, the new members will add to the dynamic for economic growth, for cultural diversity, for political sensitivity and healthy, focused development for all."

Answering questions, Mrs McAleese quoted the recent OECD report predicting an 8 per cent growth rate. She believed growth would not be at the same level as in the past, but it would still be higher than the EU average.

Last night she hosted a reception for President Halonen at the Finlandia Hall, where guests were entertained by violinist Catherine Leonard and pianist Hugh Tinney.