THE Ethiopian Prime Minister, Mr Meles Zenawi, yesterday condemned the UN for calling on African states to meet the cost of participation in any peace force for eastern Zaire.
He was addressing the opening session of the Conflict Prevention Committee of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), itself criticised for failing to come up with any meaningful response to the humanitarian crisis in Central Africa.
Last week a summit of regional leaders in Nairobi called for a "neutral force" to be set up and funded by the UN Security Council, effectively handing back the issue to the international community after earlier calls for a regional initiative.
"It is indeed a pity that when African countries have shown a clear disposition to fulfil their responsibilities and take the lead on matters affecting them directly, they are being denied an effective means to do this by the international community," Mr Meles said.
Among the OAU's 54 states only Ethiopia and Mali have so far pledged to send troops.
Underlining the reluctance of countries to become involved only nine foreign ministers of the 17 member states of the OAU's conflict committee attended the one day session in Add is Ababa.
The East African peace mediator, Dr Julius Nyerere, asked President Nelson Mandela of South Africa on Saturday to contribute to a Zaire peace force but Mr Mandela said he needed more information before responding to the request.