Murdered son haunted by petrol attack, says father

THE father of Limerick murder victim Robert Sheehan said his son had been haunted by his role in an arson attack in which two…

THE father of Limerick murder victim Robert Sheehan said his son had been haunted by his role in an arson attack in which two children suffered horrific burns.

Patrick Sheehan was speaking yesterday on the sixth anniversary of the petrol bombing incident on Gavin (then aged 4) and Millie Murray (then 6), which drew national attention to Limerick’s Moyross housing estate. Robert Sheehan (then 15), received two years’ detention for his role in the attack on September 10th, 2006.

Earlier this month, Sheehan (21) was shot dead in the car park of the Bunratty Castle Hotel in Co Clare during a wedding party.

Speaking yesterday, Mr Sheehan said he had no idea why he was killed. He insisted his son, who had helped to pull Gavin from the burning car, was sorry for his role in the attack, in which he acted as lookout for two older teenagers. “He was in shock for two years after that. He never got over it,” he told Limerick’s Live 95FM radio station.