Monsanto accused of misleading consumers

The environmental group Genetic Concern has accused the US biotechnology company Monsanto of "deliberately misleading the public…

The environmental group Genetic Concern has accused the US biotechnology company Monsanto of "deliberately misleading the public in relation to labelling of genetically-modified food".

Monsanto had responded to consumer calls for labelling by declaring itself in agreement with the need for labelling, but calling for what it called "scientifically-based" labelling. This followed an independent opinion poll showing 88 per cent of Irish consumers wanted clear labelling of GM foods.

A Genetic Concern spokesman, Mr Quentin Gargan, said Monsanto had made strenuous efforts to prevent US farmers from segregating GM crops from conventional crops, and this had made any attempt at labelling meaningless.

He called on Monsanto to openly declare what was meant by scientifically-based labelling. "If their definition is the same as current labelling regulations which exclude oils, fats, additives and anything else which industry and its indentured scientists consider to be safe, the public are being misled." Consumers wanted labelling which told them if any ingredient was derived from a genetically engineered plant.

Kevin O'Sullivan

Kevin O'Sullivan

Kevin O'Sullivan is Environment and Science Editor and former editor of The Irish Times