Missing teenager found by PSNI in his home town

A DUNGANNON teenager missing since November has been found safe and well.

A DUNGANNON teenager missing since November has been found safe and well.

Tyrone McFall (14) was found at an address at Fairmount Park in the Co Tyrone town following an extensive search by police. The social services were also involved in the case.

Two men and a woman have been arrested on suspicion that they were connected to the disappearance.

The boy went missing from his home on Donaghmore Road, Dungannnon on November 29th.


A spokeswoman for the local health and social care trust said Tyrone McFall had been known to them and continued to be known to them. The PSNI confirmed: “The boy is now with police, and social services have been contacted. Three people have been arrested for child abduction and are assisting police with inquiries.”

Insp Stephen Moneypenny said police had searched five addresses in the Dungannon area.

He added: “Tyrone is fine, he’s in good health – we are not concerned about that aspect.”

Rumours have persisted in the area since his disappearance that he was with people known to him and that social services were involved in his case.

Earlier this month a local newspaper reported that a similar search for the teenager and other members of his family was mounted in 2007. Efforts to locate him were concentrated in south Tyrone and in Dundalk, Co Louth.