A SPOKESWOMAN for the Minister for Education has rejected claims of political influence in the appointment of an academic board. She said the academics appointed to the School of Celtic Studies board by Ms Breathnach were appointed "because of their particular expertise" alone.
There is considerable disquiet in academic circles at the manner in which the board was appointed in December, after a hiatus of several months.
The new board represents a clean sweep of the previous membership, with the exception of Prof Maire Proinseas Ni Chathain, who was reappointed. Six senior professors have not been reappointed.
Those not reappointed include Prof Sean O Tuama and Prof Sean O Coileain, University College Cork; Prof Gearoid Stockman, Queen's University Belfast; Prof Gearailt Mac Eoin, University College Galway; and Dr T.K. Whitaker.
The new members include Dr Muireann Ni Bhrolachain, a lecturer in Old Irish at St Patrick's College, Maynooth. Dr Ni Bhrolachain is also a Labour Party activist in Co Kildare and a member of the town council.
Asked if she thought political considerations - as well as her evident academic qualifications - had any part to play in her appointment, Dr Ni Bhrolachain replied in Irish: "I suppose the two [reasons] were involved."
Ms Ni Bhrolachain was recently appointed chairwoman of a commission of inquiry into Irish language organisations.