Millar criticises European boycott

Rugby:  Syd Millar, chairman of the International Rugby Board, has called the Anglo-French clubs' boycott of the Heineken Cup…

Rugby: Syd Millar, chairman of the International Rugby Board, has called the Anglo-French clubs' boycott of the Heineken Cup "absolutely disgraceful".

In a powerfully-worded statement supporting the English and French unions, Millar insisted the Guinness Premiership and top 14 clubs would not be allowed to "dictate the course of world rugby".

Millar attacked French clubs chief Serge Blanco for his role in the stand-off and accused him of lacking respect for everyone who has worked had to build the Heineken Cup.

The boycott stems from the Rugby Football Union's refusal to hand 50 per cent of its shareholding and voting rights in European Rugby Cup Ltd to the English clubs.


As a result, the French clubs voted to boycott both tiers of European competition - the Heineken Cup and the Challenge Cup - last Thursday and the English immediately followed suit.

But Millar insists there is still time to reach a workable solution and the IRB will host a meeting of the six affected unions in Dublin on Wednesday in a bid to reach an agreement.

The talks will take place after the planned European Rugby Cup Ltd board meeting.  PA