MEPs: salary and expenses

Salary: Same as TD, approx €100,000 and subject to Irish tax

Salary:Same as TD, approx €100,000 and subject to Irish tax. But in the 2009-2014 parliament new MEPs elected from all 27 member states should get paid a standard €92,000 salary subject to tax unless member states apply for a special derogation from the parliament.

General expenditure allowance:This covers the cost of managing an office in the MEP's member state, for example €4,202 per month for post/telephone costs. This will remain the same in the next parliament.

Flat rate travel allowance:MEPs currently claim a flat rate allowance to get to parliament plenary sessions or committee meetings, which does not have to be receipted. It can be worth up to €50,000 per year for MEPs. However, in the next parliament session all travel costs will have to be receipted.

Annual travel allowance:This is provided to enable MEPs to attend conferences or meetings in other member states. It is worth €4,148 and will be available in the next parliament.


Subsistence allowance:This covers meals and accommodation during parliament meetings. It is worth €298 per day enabling MEPs to claim more than €30,000 per year. It remains in place in the next parliament.

Remuneration of assistants:MEPs can receive parliamentary funds worth up to €17,540 per month to pay staff. From July, staff will be paid by the parliament to stop abuse.

Jamie Smyth