March to highlight violence against women

Hundreds of protesters are expected to gather outside the Dáil today to call on the Government to address the issue of violence…

Hundreds of protesters are expected to gather outside the Dáil today to call on the Government to address the issue of violence against women in Ireland.

The march comes at the end of Amnesty International Women's Day Festival.

Secretary General of Amnesty International's Irish section Colm O'Cuanachain said: "Ireland has not adequately prioritised the safety of women and girls, nor has it satisfactorily addressed the underlying inequality of women.

"Violence against women is an issue for everyone - men, women, boys, government and communities," he added.


The protesters will hand Minister of State at the Department of Justice Frank Fahy a giant visual petition made up of handprints.

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times