Irish boys sought over rape at English horse fair

Five Irish males are the chief suspects in a rape investigation in the north of England.

Five Irish males are the chief suspects in a rape investigation in the north of England.

British police have contacted gardaí and are appealing for information in connection with the rape and violent sexual assault of three girls - two aged 13, the other aged 14 - last year.

The attacked happened at a horse fair in Appleby-in-Westmoreland, in Cumbria on June 5th last year. The event is attended by tens of thousands of people, many from the Traveller community.

Cumbrian police said the girls were targeted and that the "horrific" attacks took place in a horsebox. They believe some of the attackers may have been as young as 12 years old at the time and are from the Traveller community.


Detectives are seeking two boys called Paddy, both thought to be around 15. The victims also said a boy identified as Andy was between 12 and 15. Two other males thought to be between 18 and 20 were involved in the attack.

All had Irish accents and told the girls they were all related.

Some 92 calls were received last night following an appeal for information on the BBC Crimewatchprogramme.

The broadcast was timed to coincide with the fist anniversary of the attack. Police set up a mobile unit at this year's fair that included the display of CCTV footage on a laptop computer. Photofits of the suspects were also circulated.