Iraqi parliament speaker resigns

Iraq's parliament voted today to accept the resignation of its speaker, clearing the way for lawmakers to consider a measure …

Iraq's parliament voted today to accept the resignation of its speaker, clearing the way for lawmakers to consider a measure allowing British and other foreign troops to stay in Iraq after December 31st

Shi'ite and Kurdish lawmakers called for the resignation of Mahmoud al-Mashhadani, a Sunni Arab physician who became speaker in 2006, after he insulted deputies in a session last week.

"We hope that this event will not mark a deterioration in the political situation or a continuation of power-sharing based on sectarianism," said deputy Usama al-Nujaifi.

The controversy over Mashhadani has bogged down a vote on a proposal that would allow 4,100 British troops, along with troops from Australia, El Salvador, Romania and Estonia and NATO to remain in Iraq after a UN mandate expires on December 31st.

It was not immediately clear who would replace Mr Mashhadani.