Internet use rises to 70% of UK adults

The number of consumers who feel the Internet is a part of everyday life is growing, according to a British survey.

The number of consumers who feel the Internet is a part of everyday life is growing, according to a British survey.

Just over seven in 10 adults questioned agreed the Net had become essential, up from 63 per cent in last year's poll.

However, the report in Which? Onlinesays there has been a marked slow-down in the number of people connecting to the internet.

The number of people connecting is up 11 per cent in the last year compared with 33 per cent in the previous 12 months.


Levels of growth are highest among over 55-year-olds, increasing by more than 40 per cent on last year, so that 17 per cent are now on-line.

The results come from a survey of 2,053 adults in Britain.

The poll also found that employees are happy to surf the net for personal reasons while at work.

Almost three-quarters of workers with Internet access admitted using it for non-work purposes, 43% for e-mailing family and friends.

Three in 10 also like to browse for news, travel and leisure information.