In brief

A round-up of other stories from around the country.

A round-up of other stories from around the country.

Parents of injured player return home

The parents of a man in his early 20s who was on a life support machine at Our Lady's Hospital, Navan, Co Meath, following an accident during a soccer match, returned home from their holidays yesterday.

The young man was playing for the Navan Cosmos soccer team in a pre-season friendly match at the Meath and District League (MDL) soccer grounds on Trim Road, Navan, last Wednesday evening.


The secretary of the MDL, Gerry Gorman, who attended the match, said the accident occurred about 8.20pm, midway through the second half of the game with the Skryne\Tara team.

The young man was apparently trying to head a ball when he came into contact with an opposing player.

NI woman killed in Sydney

A Fermanagh woman was killed after being struck by a car as she alighted from a taxi in Sydney, Australia, last Saturday night.

Caroline Reilly from Aughindisert, Teemore, was on her way to a function in a nearby hotel when she was struck by another vehicle after leaving the taxi.

Rossiter inquest adjourned

The inquest into the death of a 14-year-old boy who died after he was found unconscious in a Garda cell, was further adjourned yesterday.

Brian Rossiter, Clonmel, Co Tipperary, died on September 15th, 2002, at Cork University Hospital after being transferred from Clonmel.

Mr Rossiter had been arrested in connection with disturbances in the town in the days leading up to his death.

Cork Coroner's Court was told that the inquest into his death cannot be heard until an inquiry has been completed.

Coroner Myra Cullinane adjourned the matter to November 30th.