Human rights group accuses West

EU: Human Rights Watch has accused European countries of undermining human rights worldwide by courting countries such as Russia…

EU: Human Rights Watch has accused European countries of undermining human rights worldwide by courting countries such as Russia, China and Saudi Arabia while ignoring evidence of their extensive abuses.

The US-based organisation, in its annual report, claims Europeans are subordinating human rights "in their relations with others whom they deemed useful in fighting terrorism or pursuing other goals". It also criticises Britain for its policy of sending terrorist suspects to their native countries, where torture is routine.

Kenneth Roth, head of the organisation, says the US and Europe used to lead in promoting human rights but their recent behaviour, especially Washington's defence of torture and inhumane treatment, has undermined their credibility.

"In 2005 it became disturbingly clear that the abuse of detainees had become a deliberate, central part of the Bush administration's strategy of interrogating terrorist suspects," the report says.


Mr Roth says the US approach to human rights has been "practise what I preach, not what I do". He adds: "Some US allies, especially Britain, are moving in the same disturbing direction, while few other powers are stepping in to fill the breach."

Human Rights Watch says: "The EU position on Russia in 2005 made the US defence of human rights seem vigorous," with Tony Blair, Jacques Chirac and Gerhard Schröder engaged in "an unseemly competition" to proclaim the closeness of their relationship with Vladimir Putin.