Maximising quality of life for the elderly

LIFELINES: The Irish Times covers other health matters

LIFELINES:The Irish Times covers other health matters

Maximising quality of life for the elderly

Maximising quality of life in the older years is the theme of geriatrician Prof Cillian Twomey's talk tonight at 8pm in the Boole 2 Lecture Theatre in University College Cork.He is the first of three speakers at a public forum on diet, the digestive system and quality of life.

Admission to the talk is free and all are welcome.


Talk on healing from within

Psychology teaches us that we repeat emotional patterns throughout our lives, and spirituality teaches us that, to achieve inner peace, we must practise forgiveness and acceptance.

Jungian psychotherapist and author Benig Mauger draws on both disciplines in her public talk entitled Healing From Within, tomorrow at 7.30pm in the Stillorgan Park Hotel, Dublin. Fee €35.

Mauger will also speak about her new book, Love in a Time of Broken Heart - Healing from Within.

The book will also be the basis of a workshop from November 28th-30th in the Burren Holistic Centre, Co Clare.

See for more details or tel: 01-497 0501.

Cancer society's annual service

The Irish Cancer Society will hold its annual Ecumenical service in Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin at 3.30pm on Sunday.

The service will be a celebration of volunteering, professionalism, remembrance and living, led by the Dean of Christ Church, Dermot Dunne.

Tel: 01-231 0533 or e-mail for more details.

Positive steps for tinnitus sufferers

Tinnitus is a condition in which people experience sounds in their ears or head which do not have an external cause.

The noises vary from person to person and can be heard as ringing, whistling, roaring, rumbling or clicking.

Audio-vestibular physician Dr Veronica Kennedy, from the British Tinnitus Association's professional advisers committee, will speak about practical steps people with tinnitus can take in dealing with the condition.

The talk will take place on Saturday, November 22nd at 10.30am in the Royal Dublin Hotel on O'Connell St in Dublin.

The talk is organised by the Irish Tinnitus Association. Tel: 01-817 5700, or see