First abortion carried out under new legislation

National Maternity Hospital on Holles Street terminated unviable pregnancy at 18 weeks

The National Maternity Hospital on Holles Street is one of 25 hospitals in the State authorised to carry out terminations under the provisions of the Act.

On August 23rd, the HSE confirmed that the Protection of Life during Pregnancy Act, signed into law by the President on July 30th, 2013, had not yet commenced.

On August 31st, The Irish Times published the following correction: "On August 23rd last, under a story headlined 'First abortion carried out under new legislation', we reported on a purported clinical case at the National Maternity Hospital.
The hospital has pointed out that the case described in the article did not happen. The Irish Times accepts this and apologises unreservedly to the hospital for any distress caused.

The National Maternity Hospital has welcomed the correction and apology, accepts that the article was published by The Irish Times in good faith, believes the matter is now concluded and wishes to make no further comment."