OsteoporosisCan you tell me what osteoporosis is? Osteoporosis is often referred to as a silent condition as it can go undetected until such time as a person sustains a fracture of a bone and seeks medical attention.
Osteoporosis, which literally means porous bones, is caused by a gradual loss of bone mass which leaves the bones brittle and prone to breakage.
Until our mid-30s, our bodies form and reabsorb our bones so they are constantly being renewed. After the age of about 35 we tend to reabsorb bone at a greater rate than we form it, resulting in a gradual bone loss.
It is more common in women after the menopause, in those who are thin and slight, those who smoke and in people who take little exercise. Low levels of calcium in the diet and the prolonged use of steroids can contribute to your risk of developing the condition.
Is it the same as osteoarthritis?
No. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint condition which occurs in the large joints as a result of wear and tear. In most cases of osteoarthritis, the smooth surface of the bone becomes worn away, resulting in stiffness and inflammation of the joints. It commonly develops in the large weight- bearing joints such as the knees and hips and in smaller joints which have been subjected to excessive use such as the fingers and feet. It can also affect the spine and bones which have sustained a fracture at an earlier stage of life.
Can you do anything to prevent osteoporosis developing?
There are several preventive measures you can take to reduce your risk of developing this condition. Regular weight-bearing exercise such as walking will help build up bone mass. Cut down on alcohol and caffeine and stop smoking if you are a smoker.
Check your diet and ensure your calcium levels are adequate. Calcium-rich foods include low fat dairy milk, cheese and yogurts. Make sure to include fish, either fresh or tinned, citrus fruit, seeds and nuts in your regular diet.
If osteoporosis has been diagnosed then oral calcium supplements and drugs called biphosphonates can be effective in preventing fractures.
Can osteoporosis be diagnosed before a fracture occurs?
A test known as a densitometry bone scan (Dexa scan), a painless procedure like an X-ray of the spine or hip bone, can be used to reveal whether bone thinning has occurred. If so, preventative measures as outlined above will help reverse the condition and make the bones less at risk of breaking should you sustain a fall.