Check Up

Action For Mobility (AFM) is a voluntary group of people with and without disabilities whose aim is to encourage independence…

Action For Mobility (AFM) is a voluntary group of people with and without disabilities whose aim is to encourage independence, promote integration and highlight issues affecting people with disabilities. The group participates in educational, cultural and awareness projects as well as socialising and weekends away. Those interested in finding out more are welcome to an open meeting tonight in the Mount Street Club (near the Alexander Hotel), 62/63 Fenian Street, Dublin 2 at 8 p.m. or contact Rita Bell on 01-8317623.

Barnardos Adoption Advice Service is holding an information evening for adopted or fostered people who are considering searching for their birth family on Tuesday, February 10th, in Christchurch Square, Dublin 8 at 10.30 a.m. The meeting will be facilitated by two social workers currently working with the AAS and adoptees who have attended group sessions. The cost is £5 to cover handouts and those interested in attending should telephone Louise Redmond on 01-4530355, mornings only. Anyone who cannot attend but would like to be notified of future meetings should telephone and leave their details.

The Family Mediation Service which helps couples to negotiate their own separation agreement has reduced its waiting list and can now offer appointments to clients once both parties have confirmed their willingness to attend mediation. Increased funding will enable the service to expand nationwide during 1998. At present, the Family Mediation Service is located in Dublin and Limerick, at: Block 1, Floor 5, Irish Life Centre, Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 1, tel 01-8728277, fax 01-8787497; First Floor, Mill House, Henry Street, Limerick, tel 061-312232, fax 061-312225.

The Bereavement Counselling Service offers support and counselling to enable people to deal with their grief. This applies not only to those directly bereaved through death, suicide, still birth, miscarriage and abortion, but also to those whose lives are affected by the losses of those close to them. The service consists of one-to-one counselling, is free of charge and relies on donations to cover costs. Through its GEMS programme (Grief Experiences Mended by Sharing) specially trained personnel are available to help grieving children. The service is pleased to announce the opening of an additional new counselling centre at St Philip and St James Parish Centre, Cross Avenue, Booterstown, Dublin. For appointment phone 01-8391766, Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.


An International Choral Festival, 1,000 Choirs for Sight Appeal, takes place from March 20th to 22nd. The appeal is being organised by RP Ireland - Fighting Blindness who will channel all the funds raised into research on the condition Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) which affects thousands of Irish families and can lead to blindness and sometimes deafness. Ireland is currently one of the international forerunners of research into the disease. Those interested in organising an event in their area should contact RP Ireland - Fighting Blindness, 6 Belvedere Place, Dublin 1, tel 01-8559330, fax 01-8559331.