Canfield's secrets of success

Act as if you are already where you want to be. Transform yourself for success

Act as if you are already where you want to be. Transform yourself for success. Research has shown that the average person talks to themself 50,000 times a day, mostly about themself and 80 per cent of it negative.

Those negative thoughts, he says, control our attitudes, physiology and behaviour. Pretty much a case of if you believe you can or you can't, you're right.

Successful people say no all the time without feeling guilty.

Build your success team: create successful relationships. Surveys repeatedly show when given a list of 10 possible things most likely to motivate them, employees always list appreciation as their number one. Managers rank it as low as eighth.


Success and money: for some, these go hand in hand. Canfield advises "paying yourself first" by saving 10 per cent of your earnings and living on what is left. He also stresses giving back, be it in the form of "financial tithing" (giving 10 per cent of your gross income to your faith or a favoured cause) or in time spent volunteering.

Success starts now: Canfield knows a huge chasm can lie between reading a book on success and putting the advice into action.