Half-naked axeman arrested on Belfast bus

Police in Northern Ireland disarmed a half-naked man wielding a hatchet in front of passengers on a bus in Belfast today.

Police in Northern Ireland disarmed a half-naked man wielding a hatchet in front of passengers on a bus in Belfast today.

The man, stripped to the waist, boarded the bus in the city's Oldpark area at around 7.30am made his way to the upper deck.

No-one was hurt in the incident and the man was arrested after police confiscated the weapon. A spokeswoman for Translink said: "A man boarded the bus and made his way to the upper deck where he began wielding a hatchet.

"Passengers on board alerted the driver and the police were called. They attended the incident and arrested the man.


"Thankfully neither the passengers nor the driver were injured, however, they were very shaken by this incident."