Garden Work

Herbs planted now will establish over the autumn and winter and should be ready for cutting next spring

Herbs planted now will establish over the autumn and winter and should be ready for cutting next spring. Many, including lavender, rosemary, thyme, sage, fennel and oregano, require a sunny, free-draining spot. Others, such as mint, lemon balm and parsley like a moist, lightly-shaded position. Variegated and gold-leaved varieties should be planted where they do not get the full belt of the midday sun.

Besides growing herbs for cooking, you might try planting what Denise Dunne calls a "basic medicine cabinet": garlic, purple sage, peppermint, chamomile, lemon balm, pot marigold, St John's wort and aloe vera. Self-medication should be undertaken carefully and wisely: herbs should be used for minor complaints only, and in small quantities .