Garden Work

Next to roses, lilies rank as the most romantic of flowers - and now is the time to plant them

Next to roses, lilies rank as the most romantic of flowers - and now is the time to plant them. Most garden centres have stocks of various Regal lilies right now. Planted straight into the soil, they can fall prey to slugs, which love to feast on the shoots. It is far better to grow them in pots: not only are they easier to protect, but they can be moved around to fill gaps in the border or to make elegant tableaux on the patio, along with other pots.

Ideally, use a large clay pot (at least 9 or 10 inches in diameter) and plant three bulbs into it, in a moderately free-draining potting compost. A clay pot will not over-balance when the heavy trumpets unfold and, as it is, porous excess water - which can cause the bulbs to rot - will evaporate.